Buy Local- Buy Near Me offers Deals and Savings near you with a free personal shopping companion app. Search and find the best price for the products in the nearby stores around you. Just go to the shops and simply buy the products. No need of waiting for the shipping! No Store to store driving!Shop Local – Buy Near Me will do it for you all.Features of the App: 500 thousand + local stores across US20 million plus productsFind and look up products by prices, stores and distance. Option to order onlineCompare and shop to saveSave!Save and a Buy!!Download this Free AppLook up to compare prices on this wonderful mobile app. Buy at your local stores nearby. Get the products instantly with local search “near me” feature. Want to check the prices of the products in a different city? You can do that too. It is simple and easy.Our goal is to empower YOU the consumer with pricing of the products you buy regularly and save. This app will give more money into your pocket. No coupon to clip or save. No coupons to collect. Just compare the prices and buy to save.The app is completely free and ready to use. Just download it in your device and make your life a lot easier.